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Showing results 1824 to 1843 of 2047 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1828Taboadas para mim, de Somar, e diminuir-
1919TardeBilac, Olavo, 1865-1918
25 de Setembro de 1820Tendo-me sido prezentes as difficuldades, que tem occorrido, e as duvidas que se suscitão frequentemente no expediente do Despacho da Alfandega [...]BRASIL
1836Terceira carta do mandarin do Imperio da China, Stenkorazin, á S. Magestade o Imperador do Brasil-
1898A terra fluminense : educação civicaCoelho Netto, 1864-1934; Bilac, Olavo, 1865-1918
006245-1_IMAGEM_042.jpg.jpg1834Têtes de différentes castes sauvagesDebret, Jean Baptiste, 1768-1848
1875The Amazon and Madeira Rivers : sketches and descriptions from the note-book of an explorerKeller, Franz, 1835-1890
1850The Brazilian Slave Trade and its Remedy, shewing the futility of repressive force measures. Also, how Africa and our West Indian Colonies may be mutually benefitedThomson, Thomas Richard Heywood
1874The captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in A.D. 1547-1555, among the wild tribes of eastern BrazilStaden, Hans, ca. 1525-ca. 1576
1625The Dutch survay. Where in are related and truly discoursed, the chiefest losses and acquirements, which have past betweene the Dutch and the Spaniards, in these last foure yeares Warres of the Netherlands ...-
1836The History of Brazil [...] (Volume I)Armitage, John, 1807-1856
1959The journals of Daniel Noble Johnson (1822-1863), United States Navy. Journal of a cruise on the Brazils on board of the U.S. ship Delaware, 1841-1842 and Notes by the way while on board the U.S. schooner EnterprisePeterson, Mendel L., ed
1893The life of capitain Sir Richard F. Burton, with numerous portraits, illustrations and maps in two volumesBurton, Isabel, 1831-1896
1893The life of capitain Sir Richard F. Burton, with numerous portraits, illustrations and maps in two volumesBurton, Isabel, 1831-1896
1914The Lower Amazon : a Narrative of Explorations in the little known regions of the State of Pará, on the Lower Amazon [...]Lange, Algot,1884-?
016181_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1916The Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific-Expedition and the telegraph line commission ...Rondon, Cândido Mariano da Silva, 1865-1958
1815The travels and extraordinary adventures of Henry Sidney in Brazil, and the interior regions of South America in the years 1809, 1810, 1811 and 1812Sidney, Henry
1863Theatro do doutor Joaquim Manoel de Macedo (Tomo Primeiro)Macedo, Joaquim Manuel de, 1820-1882
1863Theatro do doutor Joaquim Manoel de Macedo (Tomo Segundo)Macedo, Joaquim Manuel de, 1820-1882
1863Theatro do doutor Joaquim Manoel de Macedo (Tomo Terceiro)Macedo, Joaquim Manuel de, 1820-1882