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Showing results 7 to 13 of 13 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1822Memorial aos habitantes da Europa sobre a iniquidade do Commercio da escravatura, Publicado pela Religiosa Sociedade de Amigos, vulgarmente chamados quakers, na Gram Bretanha e Irlanda-
1806Narrative of the dreadful sufferings of six men, who left the Island of St. helena in a Whale Boat and putting to Sea were tossed about for 29 days in which time they were so hard put to for provisions.. when three of the six arrived at a Portuguese Settlement in South America. The whole delivered upon Oath, by John Brown, one of the SurvivorsBrown, John
1851Remarks on the African Squadron, By J.S. Masnfield, of the Middle Temple, BarristerMansfield, J.S.
1863Succinta indicaçâo de alguns manuscriptos importantes, respectivos ao Brazil e a Portugal, existentes no Museo britannico em Londres, e nâo comprehendidos no catalogo-Figanière, publicado em Lisboa em 1853, ou simples additamento ao dito catalogoVarnhagen, Francisco Adolfo de, 1816-1878 Visconde de Porto Seguro
1861The autobiography of a seaman, By Thomas, tenth earl of Dundonald ..Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, 1775-1860
MDCLXXXVI [1686]TRAITE de Neutralité conclu a Londres le seiziéme novembre 1686. Entre les roys de France et D'Anglaterre, Touchant les pays des deux roys en Amerique-
1840O tráfico da escravatura, e O Bill de Lord PalmerstonSá da Bandeira, Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, marquês de, 1795-1876