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Showing results 5 to 18 of 18 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
002856_IMAGEM_173.jpg.jpg1862Case au rio MadeiraBiard, Auguste François, 1798-1882
1854Esplorazione delle regioni equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il fiume delle Amazzoni [...]Osculati, Gaetano, 1808-1894
1875Explorations made in the valley of the river Madeira, from 1749 to 1868Church, George Earl, 1835-1910
002856_IMAGEM_181.jpg.jpg1862Forêt de l'AmazoneBiard, Auguste François, 1798-1882
1875Idolo amazonico achado no rio Amazonas por J. Barboza Rodrigues em commissão scientifica pelo governo imperialRodrigues, João Barbosa, 1842-1909
[1912]In the Amazon jungle : adventures in remote parts of the upper Amazon River, including a sojourn among cannibal indiansLange, Algot,1884-?
1999 [data da doação][Manuscritos e desenhos originais dos índios Tukano ilustrando o mito da cabeça voadora]-
03083_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg[s.d.]A Map of Part of South America, showing Mr. And Mrs. Booth's Route of 3,500 miles from Para to Lima-
002856_IMAGEM_161.jpg.jpg1862MundurucusBiard, Auguste François, 1798-1882
04337_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg1885Tableau D'Assemblage des Itineraires de H. A. Coudreau et Campos de la rive Septentrionale de L'Amazone, 1885Hansen, J.
1914The Lower Amazon : a Narrative of Explorations in the little known regions of the State of Pará, on the Lower Amazon [...]Lange, Algot,1884-?
MDCCCXLIX [1849]Travels of His Royal Highness Prince Adalbert of Prussia, in the south of Europe and in Brazil, with a voyage up the Amazon and the XingúAdalberto, Príncipe da Prússia, 1811-1873
MDCCCXLIX [1849]Travels of His Royal Highness Prince Adalbert of Prussia, in the south of Europe and in Brazil, with a voyage up the Amazon and the XingúAdalberto, Príncipe da Prússia, 1811-1873
003628_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1901Una escursione Botanica nell'AmazzoniaBuscalioni, Luigi