Authors: Costa, Hipólito José da, 1774-1823
Title: Narrative of the persecution of Hyppolyto Joseph da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça: A native of Colonia-do-Sacramento, on the River La Plata; imprisoned and tried in Lisbon, by the inquisition, for the pretended crime of free-masonry. To which are added, The Bye-Laws of the Inquisition of Lisbon, both ancient and modern (never before published.) Taken from the Originals in one of the Royal Libraries in London. In two volumes. Vol.I
Publish Location: Londres
Publisher: W. Lewis
Issue Date: 1811
Physical Medium: 2 v.: v. 1: 338 p.; v. 2: xxviii, 344 p, il, 21 x 13 cm
Contents: Contém 1 retrato do autor por G.H. Harlow, gravado por H.R. Cook
Local Note: Os exemplares da BBM estão encadernado em meio couro da época
Os exemplares da BBM possuem Ex-libris de Washington Semallis Carl Ferrers
O volume 1 da BBM possui anexo, ver dossiê n.2155
Language: eng
Temporal Coverage: Século 19
Appears in Collections:Livros

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