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1898Os jagunços. Novella sertaneja escripta expressamente para "O Commercio de S. Paulo" e publicada por esta folha [por] Olivio Barros (v.2)Franco, Afonso Arinos de Melo, 1905-1990
1891Quincas BorbaAssis, Machado de, 1839-1908
1896A carneRibeiro, Júlio, 1845-1890
[1896]; 1896Memorias posthumas de Braz CubasAssis, Machado de, 1839-1908
1897A viuva SimõesLopes de Almeida, Julia, 1862-1934
003620-1_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1897The romance of Isabel Lady Burton : the story of her life told in part by herself and in part by W.H. Wilkins (Volume 1)Burton, Isabel, Lady, 1831-1896
1894LupeCelso, Afonso, 1860-1938
003620-2_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1897The romance of Isabel Lady Burton : the story of her life told in part by herself and in part by W.H. Wilkins (Volume 2)Burton, Isabel, Lady, 1831-1896
1894Cinco minutosAlencar, José de, 1829-1877
1890O cortiçoAzevedo, Aluísio, 1857-1913