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Results 451-460 of 548 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).
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1812Travels in the interior of Brazil, particulary in the gold and diamond districts of that country, by authority of the Prince regent of Portugal; including a voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and an historical sketch of the revolution of Buenos AyresMawe, John, 1764-1829
MDCXV [1615]; 1615Voyage de François Pyrard de Laval : contenant sa navigation aux Indes Orientales aux Moluques, & au Bresil: Les dieurs accidens, adventures & darger qui luy sont arrives en ce voyage en allant & retournant pendant dix ans de sejour. Avec la description des pays, moeurs, loix, façons de vivre, police & gouvernement... (v.1)Pyrard, François, ca. 1570-1621
1844Des Freiherrn Alexander von Humboldt und Aimé Bonpland Reise in die Aequinoctial-Gegenden des neuen Continents (Volume 2)Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859; Bonpland, Aimé, 1773-1858
19176_MAPA_001_jpg.jpg.jpg[s.d.]Der Mittlere Teil von Columbien-
1893Chez nos Indiens, quatre années dans la Guyane Française (1887-1891)Coudreau, Henri Anatole, 1859-1899
02749_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg19?Mappa Geographico da Capitania do Maranhao ...-
03613-1_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg1861[Fronteira do Chile com a Argentina]-
16421_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg[s.d.]From Rio di Janeiro to the Cape of Good Hope-
MDXCIX; 1599II. pars Indiae Orientalis : in qua Iohan. Hugonis Lintscotani nauigatio in Orientem, item regna, littora, portus, flumina, apparentiae, habitus moresque Indorum & Lusitanorum pariter in Oriente degentium: praeterea merces, monetae, mensurae, & pondera, quae quibus in locis, quóve compendio prostent accurate proponuntur. Ea Lintscotvs ipse spektator atq; autor primum vernaculo sibi idiomate Belgice in publicum dedit: Deinde suerioribus Germainis Germanic (v.1)Linschoten, Jan Huygen Van, 1563-1611
03613-2_MAPA_001.jpg.jpg[s.d.]Karte der Sudlichen Provinzen der Argentinischen Republik, zu Seiner Reise Durch Die La Plata-Staaten Entworpen von Dr. Herm. BurmeisterMahlmann, Heinrich