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Results 21-30 of 54 (Search time: 0.171 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18951568 : A conversão de S. Paulo : importante sermão do Padre José D'AnchietaAnchieta, José de, 1534-1597
1819History of Brazil (Volume 3)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
1817History of Brazil (Volume 2)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
1880O Brazil no seculo XVIAbreu, João Capistrano de, 1853-1927
1836The History of Brazil [...] (Volume I)Armitage, John, 1807-1856
017267-1_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1822History of Brazil (Volume 1)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
1873Les hollandais au Brésil: un mot de réplique a M. Varnhagen auteur de l'ouvrage intitulé: Historia das Lutas com os Hollandeses no Brazil desde 1624 a 1654 par le Lieut.-Colonel P.M. NetscherNetscher, Pieter Marinus, 1824-1903
1862Historia do Brazil (Volume 5)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
1862Historia do Brazil (Volume 6)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
1862Historia do Brazil (Volume 4)Southey, Robert, 1774-1843