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Results 51-60 of 179 (Search time: 0.079 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1875Travels in South America : from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, Volume IMarcoy, Paul, 1815-1888
013198_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1829Journal of a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the northern provinces of Peru, and descending the river Marañon, or AmazonMaw, Henry Lister
1791Voyage du gouverneur Phillip a Botany-Bay, avec une description de l'établissement des Colonies du port Jackson et de l'île Norfolk; ...Phillip, Arthur, 1738-1814
010011_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1892Sporting sketches in South AmericaKennedy, William Robert, Sir, 1838-1916
007636_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1854Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands; with the cape Horn route to Autralia. Including notices of Lisbon, Madeira, The Canaries, and Cape Verds, by William Hadfield...Hadfield, William, 1806-1887
016434_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1840Reisen in Brasilien und Algier, oder Lebensschicksale Wendeli Scholossers, zuletzt gewesenen Bombaschia des Achmed Bey von ConstantineSchlosser, Wenderlin
1827Le pilote du Brésil, ou descripton des côtes de l'Amérique Méridionale, comprises entre l'île Santa-Catarina et celle de Maranhaõ,...Roussin, Albin-Reine, baron, 1781-1854; France. Ministère de la marine et des colonies
1558Les singularitez de la France Antarctique, autrement nommée Amerique, & de plusieurs Terres & Isles decouvertes de nostre tempsThevet, André, 1502-1590
1881South AmericaGallenga, Antonio Carlo Napoleone, 1810-1895
009070_IMAGEM_001.jpg.jpg1872Viaje poético á Petropolis, escrito en español por Carmem Oliver de GelabertGelabert, Carmem Oliver de